3 Solar Heating Factors Influencing Pool Water Temperature

A swimming pool in your backyard is an excellent way to relax at home. But with cool water temperatures, can you really relax? Pool heating is a good way to get the water to comfortable temperatures so that you can enjoy your time inside. If you've decided to opt for solar heating for your pool, it's important to consider these factors that can influence water temperature.

Orientation Of Solar Collector Panels

Solar collector panels absorb energy from sunlight to produce and transfer heat to different areas in your home, including your pool. The way these panels are pitched and oriented will make a difference in the efficiency of heating you're able to derive. For example, panels should be placed at an angle and facing the area that receives maximum direct sunlight over your home. Make sure you discuss this with the pool heating experts so you're able to establish the right solar collector panel orientation for your property.

Consider The Colour of the Panels

It's important for you to consider the type of roof construction you have because this could affect the way solar collector panels transfer heat to your pool. As a general rule, metal is a good conductor of electricity, so roofs with this material are more efficient for conducting heat than tiled roofs. Dark-coloured roofs absorb heat more easily, making them better conductors over light-coloured roofs. Since solar collector panels also come in a range of colours, you may want to choose darker ones, as they are more efficient for transferring heat to your pool water.

Level Of Shade And Wind In The Area

A pool sitting in a shaded environment with plenty of trees could be great for swimming during summer months. But this also means that the water temperature will be significantly lower in winter. You may need to install additional collectors for better pool heating. Similarly, if your neighbourhood is generally windier, then you will need to consider installing extra solar collectors for more efficient heating. In these instances, you may also want to install a pool cover to keep the water temperatures higher when the weather is cooler during winter. A pool cover will also prevent leaves and debris from getting into your pool, which could make maintenance easier for you.

A heated pool is far more comfortable for people looking to enjoy a relaxing dip at home. Consider these factors if you're looking to go the solar way.
